


通过美国, (Preparing All 学生 Socially and Academically for Gainful 就业) 是高等教育,非学位,证书课程吗. 这个程序是为 students with intellectual disabilities, who need extra supports to be successful 在我们的社区里.

Through person-centered planning, we help students define their goals for their future. These goals are turned into an individualized Adult Education Plan (AEP) in which 我们的目标是他们实现目标所需的技能. 这些技能包括独立 生活、社交、就业和自我决定技能.

学生 in the program will be full university campus members, which includes:

  • 校园娱乐活动
  • 课堂的学术包容
  • 参与校园社会活动

学生 attend elective classes with other USA students, as well as, attend specialized 针对他们实现目标所需技能的课程. 他们参加 每学期实习一次. 同伴导师(其他美国学生)表现得很自然 supports on and off campus to help foster independence and learning.

现在接受2025年秋季课程的申请. 点击 这个链接 或向…申请 passageusa@southalabama.edu 今天!

What if every young adult with intellectual disability in the United States saw college 作为一种选择?  观看这个视频了解更多!

通过美国 is thrilled to announce the expansion of the 2-year Comprehensive Transition and Postsecondary (CTP) program at the 十大玩彩信誉平台 for individuals 智障人士(18 - 28岁). 扩建将于2021年开始,包括:

程序 长度的选择—学生 may now choose to enroll in either the 2年计划 or 4- year 程序. Each program includes individualized Adult Education Plans (AEP) including academic, social, independent living, self-determination, self-advocacy, community integration and employment outcomes developed by a person-centered planning (PCP) approach.

For students interested in continuing their academic, career and technical, and independent 生活发展为有收入的就业做准备. 学生报名参加非学分课程 undergraduate courses and have inclusive employment experiences to develop the skills 需要获得和保留工作. 完成课程要求后,学生 receive the Two-Year 通过美国 Postsecondary Education Credential for Training in 毕业典礼上的生活和就业技能. 这个两年制的课程是综合性的 过渡和高等教育(CTP)计划. 这个项目的学生可以使用FASFA 申请基于需要的联邦财政援助.
For students interested in pursuing an academic area of emphasis and have the desire 在他们的社区中尽可能独立地生活. 学生报名参加 same curriculum structure as the 2-year program, but will receive advanced instruction in independent living, self-determination and self-advocacy, social, and employment 3年级和4年级的技能. 学生每人至少要选择两门“包容性”课程 semester that will lead toward their academic area of emphasis (e.g.,热情好客 and Tourism Management; Recreation and Leisure; Health, Nutrition, and 健康; or 跨学科研究). 学生还将参加额外的工作经验 in integrated competitive employment settings at least 25 hours a week. 在学生宿舍里 4th year, they will participate in the 社区-Based Residential Internship where they will live in a community housing option identified by each student and their 家庭. 完成课程要求后,学生 receive the 4-Year PASSAGE USA Postsecondary Education Credential for Training in Life and 就业 Skills 在毕业典礼上. The 4-year program is a Comprehensive 过渡和高等教育(CTP)计划. 这个项目的学生可以使用FASFA to apply for need-based federal financial 援助.
Some students completing the 2-year program will be invited to continue their enrollment in 通过美国 by working towards an academic area of emphasis as well as extended work experiences, and participation in the 社区- Based Residential Internship. 完成课程要求后,学生 receive the 4-Year 通过美国 Postsecondary Education Credential for Training in 毕业典礼上的生活和就业技能. The extended program is a Comprehensive 过渡和高等教育(CTP)计划. 这个项目的学生可以使用FASFA to apply for need-based federal financial 援助.


The 教育与专业研究学院 at the 十大玩彩信誉平台 被授予2美元.300万美元. S. 教育部拨款以扩大其 通过美国 program, which assists students with intellectual disabilities.



The Gaillard-Neville Reynolds 学者hip fund has been established to support students 通过美国计划.




有关完整的资格要求,请参阅 美国签证申请 页面.  应用ing for 通过美国 is a process, and requires several steps.  要开始美国通行证申请流程,请点击这里.


If you're interested in becoming a peer mentor, start the process by clicking here.

这个项目是由美国政府资助的.S. 教育部,办公室 专上教育补助金# P407A150076和P407A200064.