JagNet vs. JagMail


JagNet is the authentication system used to access JagMail and many other University services, including USAonline (Sakai),  and now 爪子. 和横幅.


学生和 所有 currently employed University faculty and staff (including 美国健康 system employees) are assigned JagNet accounts.


JagMail is the University email system for students (@jagmail.twhz.net)和 General Division faculty and staff (@twhz.net). It is a customized version 谷歌邮件. JagMail uses JagNet for authentication.  美国健康 system employees use a different email system (@health.twhz.net) that is not part of JagNet.

How can I activate my JagNet and/or JagMail account?

JagNet激活页面. Remember, you can always find them by going to the main University website. 看 for "JagNet" in the upper right corner of the main page, and select "帮助" from the 下拉.  


Authentication is the process in which a user provides credentials (at minimum, an account "name" or "user id" and password) which are then compared against a database to confirm that user's identity. Any time you "log in" to something you are proving, or "authenticating", that you are the appropriate owner of that particular account. 

In addition to JagNet, the University also has two Active Directory authentication systems used for internal desktop and network storage logins. 这些不是用来 Internet-accessible systems. 学生 do not normally have accounts in these systems unless they are also employees (for example, Graduate and Student Assistants).